Saturnday, September 21st, 7pm, santoor master Pandit Tarun Bhattacharya will be at the Next Chapter, and WE’RE OPENING FOR HIM! This is a benefit for the Santoor Ashram Foundation, so even though there’s no cover a $15 donation is suggested. 204 New York Ave, Huntington
Friday, September 27th, 8:30pm: the Kevin McLeod band has invited us to split the bill w/ them @ Bartini Bar, 124 N Carll Ave, Babylon. There may be some inter-group jamming (I hope). $5 admission
Saturnday, October 19th, 7pm, Indian Music Done Wrong once again @ the Next Chapter Bookstore (204 New York Ave. Huntington). Still no cover, and books to browse thru.
Saturnday, November 9th, 8pm: Coincidence Machine is back @ Bartini Bar w/ guests the Kevin McLeod Band, 124 N. Carll Ave. in Babylon. $5 cover (cheap)
Saturnday, November 23rd, 8pm: Coincidence Machine will be opening for MindBurn @ Buckley’s in Valley Stream, 159 Franklin Ave
Saturnday, January 11th, 7pm: Coincidence Machine presents a more jazz-leaning show at the Next Chapter (204 New York Ave. Huntington).
Livestreams of performances are often presented on the Twang! page
Also, quite often you can witness Twang! and/or Coincidence Machine performing (or rehearsing) on Twitch.
Typically Coincidence Machine performs @ 4:00pm Eastern Time on Tuesdays
And often on Friday afternoons, 12:15ish, Twang! and Eli share their practice of North Indian Classical music. Mondays 3:00ish Twang! and Eli jam jazz w/ Twang!’s neighbor Walter, and other guests who turn up.